What Qualifies as Housing Discrimination?

What Qualifies as Housing Discrimination?

What Qualifies as Housing Discrimination?

Housing discrimination remains a significant issue that undermines the principles of equality and fairness in our society. At DeGolia Law P.C., we are dedicated to advocating for individuals facing such injustices, ensuring they understand their rights and the protections available under the law. We’re here to help you understand what constitutes housing discrimination, the various forms it can take and the legal protections you should be aware of.

Understanding Housing Discrimination

Housing discrimination occurs when individuals or families seeking to buy, rent or finance a home are treated unfairly based on characteristics such as race, national origin, sex, disability, religion or familial status. These discriminatory practices not only restrict access to housing but also perpetuate systemic inequalities. Our team at DeGolia Law P.C. is here to help you navigate the complexities of housing discrimination, ensuring you are well informed and prepared to take action if your rights are violated.

What Qualifies as Housing Discrimination?

Housing discrimination manifests in various ways, often subtly, making it challenging to identify. Some common forms include:

  • Refusal to Rent or Sell: Landlords or sellers may refuse to rent or sell property to individuals based on their protected characteristics.
  • Discriminatory Terms and Conditions: It is illegal to offer different terms or conditions for sale or rental based on a protected characteristic, such as race or gender.
  • Advertising Discrimination: Advertising properties exclusively to certain demographics, thereby excluding others.
  • Denial of Financing: Refusing to approve a mortgage application based on an applicant’s protected characteristics.
  • Retaliation: Retaliating against someone who has exercised their Fair Housing Act rights or filed a discrimination complaint.

Disability and Reasonable Modification Requests

Under the Fair Housing Act, individuals with disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations that allow them to fully enjoy their homes. This includes modifications such as:

  • Installation of visual fire alarms or doorbells for residents who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Lowering entry thresholds or installing ramps for wheelchair access.
  • Providing designated parking spaces close to the building for those with mobility limitations.
  • Allowing service animals or emotional support animals in properties that typically prohibit pets.
  • Modifying kitchen and bathroom cabinets for easy access from a wheelchair.

What Isn’t Allowed Under the Fair Housing Act?

Certain actions are explicitly prohibited under the Fair Housing Act, including presenting unfair terms in real estate transactions to specific groups, falsely asserting that housing is unavailable to prevent members of a particular group from accessing it, restricting home showings to specific neighborhoods based on demographics, refusing mortgage applications based on protected characteristics and failing to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

The Fair Housing Act in Colorado

In Colorado, fair housing laws include protections specific to the state. It prohibits discrimination in all aspects of housing transactions, such as financing, zoning laws and advertising in addition to ensuring equal access to housing regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex and familial status.

Protections Offered by Colorado’s Fair Housing Laws

Colorado’s Fair Housing laws mandate that housing providers must refrain from discriminatory practices in renting or selling properties, ensure advertising materials are free from discriminatory language, provide reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities and maintain detailed records of all activities related to fair housing compliance to avoid legal repercussions.

Landlords who violate these provisions face severe penalties, including fines and damages awarded to affected individuals. By adhering to these laws, landlords can foster a fair and inclusive housing environment for all.

Discuss Your Situation With an Attorney

Housing discrimination is a grave issue that hinders societal progress toward equality and justice. At DeGolia Law P.C., we are committed to standing up against such injustices and ensuring that victims receive the protection and compensation they deserve. If you believe you have been subjected to housing discrimination, do not hesitate to reach out. Our experienced attorneys will thoroughly review your case, offer comprehensive legal advice, and craft a strategic plan to secure a feasible outcome for you. Contact us today for a case evaluation.

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